Shining Upwards: Illuminating Spaces with Upward Facing Lights


When it comes to lighting design, upward facing lights are often overlooked in favor of more traditional downward facing fixtures. However, these lights can have a significant impact on the look and feel of a space, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere that can be difficult to achieve with other types of lighting. In this article, we will take a closer look at upward facing lights, how they work, and their application in various settings.

What are Upward Facing Lights?

Upward facing lights are a type of lighting fixture that directs light upward towards the ceiling or walls, rather than downward towards the ground. This type of lighting is often used to create a softer, more diffuse light that helps to reduce shadows and create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

How do they Work?

Upward facing lights work by reflecting light off of the ceiling or walls, which then bounces back down into the space. This creates a diffuse light that is less harsh than direct lighting, making it ideal for creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in various settings.

Application in Different Settings

Upward facing lights can be used in a wide variety of settings, from residential homes to commercial spaces. In residential settings, upward facing lights are often used in living rooms, bedrooms, and dining rooms to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

In commercial settings, upward facing lights are often used in retail spaces, restaurants, and hotels to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for guests. The diffuse light created by upward facing lights can help to highlight products, create a sense of depth, and draw the eye towards specific areas of the space.

Advantages of Upward Facing Lights

There are several advantages to using upward facing lights in a space. These include:

– Creating a warm and inviting atmosphere
– Reducing harsh shadows and glare
– Creating a sense of depth and dimension
– Highlighting specific areas of a space
– Reducing energy consumption compared to traditional lighting fixtures


Upward facing lights may not be the first choice for many when it comes to lighting design, but their ability to create a warm and inviting atmosphere should not be overlooked. In various settings, this type of lighting can be used to reduce shadows, highlight key areas, and create a sense of depth and dimension. So, the next time you are thinking about lighting design, consider adding upward facing lights to your space for a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

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